Die Gedenkstätte Bullenhuser Damm - Die Täter (The Perpetrators)

This plaque belongs to the exhibition in the memorial "Bullenhuser Damm". The SS knew that the discovery of the medical experiments on the children would cause an outcry and therefore decided to rid themselves of the victims and witnesses at the same time by killing the children and their carers. SS members on various levels of the hierarchy were involved in the operation, both by giving the order to kill the children and by carrying it out.

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english, german
KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme
Hamburg: KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme
Year of publication:
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Media Library

The complete permanent exhibition "Time Traces" and the other side exhibitions on the grounds of the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial are also available digitally in the memorial's media library. Unfortunately, the media library is only available in German.

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E-mail: lernwerkstatt@gedenkstaetten.hamburg.de

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