The Children
In November 1944, 20 children between the ages of 5 and 12 were brought from the Auschwitz concentration camp to the Neuengamme concentration camp for medical experiments. In order to cover up the traces of these cruel acts, the children were murdered on April 20, 1945 in the basement of a former school building on Bullenhuser Damm.
For a long time it was not known who the children were, where they came from or what happened to their families. This remains the case for five of them.

Jacqueline Morgenstern
Koffer Jacqueline Morgenstern | Suitcase Jacqueline Morgenstern
Biography Jacqueline Morgenstern
Sara Goldfinger (formerly Surcis Goldinger)
Koffer Sara Goldfinger | Suitcase Sara Goldfinger
Biography Sara Goldfinger