Koffer Eduard Reichenbaum | Suitcase Eduard Reichenbaum

Short biography from the Bullenhuser Damm Memorial of Eduard Reichenbaum. Eduard Reichenbaum was born on 15 November 1934 in Katowice, Poland. Shortly before the outbreak of WWII, Eduard, his brother Jerzy, who was two years older, and their parents moved to Piotrków Trybunalski near Łódz´, where Eduard’s grandparents lived.

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digital media
german, english
Iris Groschek, Kristina Vagt
KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme
Year of publication:
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Media Library

The complete permanent exhibition "Time Traces" and the other side exhibitions on the grounds of the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial are also available digitally in the memorial's media library. Unfortunately, the media library is only available in German.

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