Police Prisoners
In the summer of 1943, the Hamburg Gestapo began to transfer political prisoners from the hopelessly overcrowded Fuhlsbüttel police prison to the Hamburg- Wilhelmsburg “work education camp” and to Neuengamme concentration camp. These “police prisoners” formed a separate group in the camp. They were identified by special prisoners’ numbers starting with the number “0” and by yellow triangles on their uniforms. Most of the police prisoners had only one side of their head shorn and wore a purple armband saying “confined to camp”, which meant they were not permitted to join work commandos outside the camp. After some weeks or months, many police prisoners were transferred to the Hamburg remand prison because they were to stand trial. Others were kept at Neuengamme as regular prisoners or transferred to other concentration camps like Mauthausen or Auschwitz.

Entrance to Fuhlsbüttel Police Prison, picture from 1933- Parts of the Hamburg-Fuhlsbüttel penal facilities served as a concentration camp. Later, this camp was used as a police prison.