Construction of the Camp and Construction Commandos

From February 1940, more and more new transports of prisoners arrived in Neuengamme from Sachsenhausen concentration camp. An independent camp administration was set up under the direction of the camp’s first commandant, Walter Eisfeld. From spring 1940 (the exact date is unknown), Neuengamme was considered an independent concentration camp. Construction work for the new camp began in April and was pursued vigorously. On 4 June, concentration camp prisoners moved into the first three huts. By the end of 1940, 14 prisoners’ huts, workshops, a sick-bay, the kitchen and other buildings, as well as the fence and the watchtowers, were finished. The SS barracks were also set up in 1940/41. Work carried on into the summer of 1941 as prisoners filled in ditches, moved the sewer system, paved the parade ground and the paths, and equipped the huts.

Black and white photo: In the foreground of the picture, three uniformed guards stand with their backs turned to the viewer, watching the concentration camp inmates working behind them. In the background are the wooden barracks of the fenced-in prison camp. Piles of wooden building components are lying everywhere.

Construction Commandos

Excavation, transport and construction work involved some of the heaviest labour for prisoners at Neuengamme concentration camp. The insufficiently clothed and underfed prisoners had to do all of this work outside. They were forced to dig up the loamy soil, push heavily loaded lorries or carts, drag earth rollers or trolleys, and perform other kinds of hard labour. The constant strain on the prisoners led to their quick physical decline. Beatings were part of the everyday working routine. Prisoners who were already weakened or sick and therefore could not perform as demanded were beaten regularly. The SS deliberately rejected the use of machinery such as excavators. In the construction commandos for skilled workers, the working conditions were slightly less severe. Skilled workers were regarded as specialists whose labour was needed. They were therefore beaten less frequently.

Further reading at the Learning Center: Construction Commandos
Media Library

The complete permanent exhibition "Time Traces" and the other side exhibitions on the grounds of the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial are also available digitally in the memorial's media library. Unfortunately, the media library is only available in German.

media library
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